Welcomelisting is a useful tool in making sure that e-mails that are important to you are making it to your inbox and not being marked as spam. You can get to welcomelists by logging in to your Sonic mailbox at https://members.sonic.net. Navigate to:
- Spam Filtering
- Welcomelists/Blocklists
A detailed description of how our spam filtering works and how Welcomelisting plays it's part can be found in our SpamAssassin article. Blocklisting goes hand in hand with Welcomelisting and does the opposite - blocking specific messages as spam.
Welcomelist Address
The first option for Welcomelisting is going to be Welcomelisting specific e-mail addresses. Enter the e-mail address you would like to Welcomelist and click the button to add the entry. Going forward, whenever an e-mail from the specified e-mail hits our spam filter, it will be given special treatment to help it reach your inbox. You can also use the * symbol to signify a wild card. For example:
- jane@example.com | This will Welcomelist all e-mails coming in from jane@example.com.
- *@example.com | This will Welcomelist all e-mails from the example.com domain.
You can edit or delete Welcomelist additions manually. Scrolling down to the bottom of the page will give options to delete all entries or to share settings with all mailboxes on the account (the latter will only show up if logged into the primary Sonic account).
More Options
The top drop down offers three additional options to Welcomelisting. The first, Unwelcomelist From, is an easy way to remove specific addresses from a wildcard. For example:
- Welcomelist From *@example.com | All e-mails with the domain example.com will be Welcomelisted.
- UnWelcomelist From joe@example.com | joe@example.com will be an exception to the 1st rule.
- UnWelcomelist From jane@example.com | jane@example.com will also be an exception to the 1st rule.
The above example shows an easy way to Welcomelist all e-mails from example.com, except for that of joe@example.com and jane@example.com. The next two options, Welcomelist From Received and Unwelcomelist From Received work the same as Welcomelist From and UnWelcomelist From. The difference is that both allow the additional checking of the message headers. The entered string is matched against the reverse DNS lookup used during the handover from the untrusted Internet to your trusted network's mail exchangers. The format that these entries should be entered are as follows:
- Welcomelist From Received *@example.com mailserver.example.com
- UnWelcomelist From Received joe@example.com
- UnWelcomelist From Received jane@example.com
Welcomelist Subject
Welcomelist Subject allows you to Welcomelist any e-mails that come in with keywords in the subject line. Note that the more specific, the better. For example, if you Welcomelist the subject e, any e-mail that has the letter e anywhere in the subject line will be Welcomelisted.
- Example e-mail subject: Your Purchase Receipt
- Don't: Welcomelist Subject you | Since you is in the subject, the Welcomelisting would work. However, every other e-mail that has you in the subject will also be Welcomelisted.
- Do: Welcomelist Subject receipt | This will not only Welcomelist this e-mail, but will make sure that only e-mails of a similar intent are Welcomelisted.
More Lists
In the More Lists section, you have the option of adding To-Welcomelisting. This will check the To: field in an e-mail. This is useful when you have one or more e-mails forwarding to your Sonic mailbox. There are three levels of To-Welcomelisting: welcomelist To, More Spam To and All Spam To. Addresses in the first level may occasionally have some spammish mails blocked, but addresses in All Spam To should never get mail blocked.
- Welcomelist To address@example.com | This will Welcomelist e-mails forwarded from address@example.com to your Sonic mailbox. High SpamAssassin score e-mails will still be blocked.
- All Spam To address@example.com | This will Welcomelist e-mails forwarded from address@example.com to your Sonic mailbox. This will override high SpamAssassin scores and always make it to your inbox.
At the bottom of this page, there is also a section to allow e-mails via Trusted Networks. You can specify specific IP addresses or ranges. For example, the following example to trust anything that comes from Sonic.net's mail servers:
Trusted Networks Trusted Networks Trusted Networks
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