Office 365 includes access to Microsoft's mail client Outlook. The below guide was generated on a computer running Outlook on Windows 10.
To configure Outlook for your Sonic email account do the following:
- Within Outlook click on File in the upper left corner. Under Account Information select Add Account
- This will open a window to start account creation. Enter in your Sonic email address, select advanced option to drop down a context menu and check the box next to setup manually
- The next page asks which type of account you are trying to create. Select IMAP or POP3 depending on what you're using. This guide is set up for IMAP but POP3 follows the same path with different mail servers
- On the next window you're going to enter the mail server information for Sonic. Incoming mail on IMAP is through with the port of 993. Encryption should be SSL/TLS. Outgoing mail server should be with the port of 465. Encryption should be SSL/TLS and the check box for Require logon using secure password authentication should be checked. POP3 uses the same outgoing mail server but uses a different incoming mail server. Incoming mail on POP3 is through with the port of 995.
- The next page will prompt you for your password for your email address. Enter your password and hit Connect. It will run a test and once complete will
- If everything is done correctly you will then be taken to a completion window. Congratulations you're now sending and receiving your mail through outlook.
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